10 Diasec C-prints, 2010
Captured #10, 120 cm×180 cm
Captured #9, 120 cm×180 cm
Captured #8, 120 cm×180 cm
Captured #7, 120 cm×180 cm
Captured, #6, 80 cm×120 cm
Captured, #5, 80 cm×120 cm
Captured, #4, 80 cm×120 cm
Captured #3, 80 cm×120 cm
Captured #1, 60 cm×90 cm
Captured #2, 60 cm×90 cm
Liminal Space Exhibition, Galerie Bob Gysin 2010
Teresa Chen’s new photo series Captured moves in between the poles of beauty and mortality. The high level of abstraction causes substance and nature to disappear and keeps the viewer having to guess the object’s origin. And even if there is certainty about the photos’ content, the exhibition’s visitor will become aware of the object’s alienation.
Teresa Chen’s large-sized photographs – the artist works analogously only and spares any digital modification – provide a new and odd aspect of the microcosm’s unspectacular and thus transform our perception deeply. Where we would expect a spider in the net – cruelly lying in wait for its prey - we find a flower that – accidentally caught in the web – constitutes an absurdity.
Liminal Space «limen»: (Latin for threshold) is a term used to describe a situation of transition and ambiguity.
Marion Wild, from the press release for Liminal Space (select “Show Information”)